Beware of an insurance company offering you a “quick settlement” following a car wreck. This is the WORST TIME to settle your case. Why?
First, adrenalin in your body is released during an accident and can often mask serious injuries for several days. Never settle a car accident claim before you have fully recovered from your injuries or at least understand the extent of your injuries. What may seem like a good offer a day after your wreck can look like pennies compared to how you feel a few days later.
Second, in the days after an accident, you may not be thinking clearly, especially if you suffered a concussion or severe whiplash during the wreck. Now is not the time to analyze a settlement offer.
What happens if you accept an insurance company’s settlement offer? In order to finalize the offer, the insurance company will send you a “release.” This is a statement they want you to sign in order to give up any claims you may have in exchange for the settlement money. By signing a release, you literally sign away your rights to ever bring a lawsuit against the at-fault party or their insurance company, even if a hidden injury pops up later.
If you have received a settlement offer from an insurance company following a wreck and would like to review it with an attorney for free before you accept it!
Have You Been Injured In A Covington Area Car Accident?
If you've been hurt in a car accident you need to speak with an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible. Please contact me online or call my Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. I help clients throughout Louisiana including Mandeville, Slidell, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Hammond, New Orleans and Metairie.