At Flattmann Law, our commitment to our clients extends beyond their car wreck claims. We have been blessed on several occasions to help catch early indications of cancer and bring it to our clients’ attention so they could seek treatment. We also work with caring medical providers who take their commitment to patients way beyond the car wreck.
We carefully review medical records for more than just accident-related information:
After a car wreck, one of the things we do is obtain our client’s medical records, evidencing the treatment they received because of the wreck. We review and summarize those records, capture billing information, and use them to prove our claims with the at-fault insurance company.
During our medical records review, we pay close attention to our client’s reported injuries and complaints and the doctor’s diagnosis and opinions. We also carefully review our client’s medical history and how that may relate to their injuries. In doing so, we sometimes come across an unrelated issue that we want to bring to our client’s attention ASAP.
How a shoulder MRI revealed cancer:
One recent example is a client who had suffered a shoulder injury as a result of a T-bone collision. While reviewing the MRI report, the radiologist noted a large bone lesion and recommended further evaluation.
No sooner had we read the radiologist’s report discussed above, than the phone rang. It was our client’s chiropractor, who had ordered the shoulder MRI. He had also received a copy of the report and was calling us about the bone lesion. He wanted to make sure we both urged the client to seek follow-up care as soon as possible.
We immediately called our client to discuss the findings and urged her to seek follow-up care. A week later she was diagnosed with bone cancer and was able to begin treatment.
During almost 20 years representing car accident victims, we have had many similar opportunities to bring non-wreck related medical issues to our clients’ attention, ranging from indications of cancer to untreated severe hypertension.
At Flattmann Law, our commitment to our clients isn’t restricted to their car accident case. We treat our clients like family and look out for them the best we can.
Have You Been Injured In A Car Wreck And Want An Attorney Who Will Truly Care For You?
If you have been injured in a car accident and want an attorney who will truly care for you contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.