How often do you notice the car in front of you drifting back and forth, then notice that the driver is texting? How about when you are sitting at a light and when it turns green, you have to honk at the person in front of you because they are on their phone?
For many people, using a cell phone while driving is a horrible habit. Distracted driving accounts for approximately 25% of all motor vehicle fatalities. Yikes! In my own practice, I estimate that 40% of my auto accident cases were caused by drivers who were either using their phone or paying attention to something other than the road at the time of a car wreck.
Here are a few tips to combat distracted driving:
Tip #1: Turn Your Phone To "Do Not Disturb" Or Use An App.
One very simple way to limit distracted driving due to cell phone use is to turn off your phone or turn it to "do not disturb." Check your messages when you get to your destination. Nowadays, there are even apps that will help you train yourself against cell phone use while driving. Yes, there's an app for that!
Tip #2: Enable Hands-Free Calling.
If you can't turn off your phone while driving, consider hands-free calling. Most newer cars link up with cell phones automatically, limiting the need to look away from the road.
Tip #3: Get The Kids Involved. Set A Good Example.
Explain to your children who distracted driving is dangerous and ask for their help in keeping distractions to a minimum. Impress upon your kids that you can help them with whatever they dropped when you stop the car, not while you are driving. Get the kids involved by asking them to point out ways a driver can be distracted and what to do to avoid it.
Let us all exercise safer driving habits and help keep the roads safe. If you have been a victim of a car accident caused by a distracted driver in St. Tammany Parish (Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom) or anywhere in the New Orleans Metro area, Contact us today at (985) 590-6182.