Covington Pedestrian and Bicycle Accident Lawyer FAQs

Why won’t the insurance company pay me what I'm owed? If the other driver was at fault, why do I have to pay my own medical bills? Who pays for my rental car after my car was totaled? We answer questions like these and many more in our personal injury FAQs. If your question is not covered here, give us a call at 985-590-6182.

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  • What Is Your Average Response Time For Returning Client Calls?

    At Flattmann Law, we pride ourselves on communication. Our clients are kept updated during every step of their case and know that we are always there if they have any questions or concerns.


    When our clients call us, they can usually get answers to their questions instantly. If they do have to leave a message during normal business hours, their call is typically returned within an hour if not sooner.


    We also know that being in an accident and having an injury claim is a stressful situation. That’s why keeping our clients up to date is so important to us. We feel that by doing so, we can reassure our clients that their claims are being handled the right way and take away at least some of the anxiety.


    We also know that our clients are busy and don’t always have the time to talk during the workday.  That’s why we often return calls after hours and on weekends, especially when we know that it would help our client feel better to get their questions answered.

    Do You Want An Attorney That Will Exceed Your Expectations? 

    If you want an attorney that will exceed your expectations contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today.

    Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • How Does Flattmann Law Handle Car Wreck Death Cases With Compassion?

    Over the past 20 years, we’ve represented many families grieving with the loss of a loved one in a traffic accident. I’m always humbled when these families choose our law firm to help them with such an emotionally charged matter and we do everything we can to balance outstanding legal advocacy with empathy and respect for the family.


    Compassion and Communication:

    Throughout the case, from the moment of our initial consultation through resolution, we understand the magnitude of the family’s loss and work to identify the best way we can represent them, with the most respect for their loved one.


    Communication is always important to us because we want our clients to have peace of mind that their case is being handled efficiently and effectively. When a death is involved, we work with the family to strike a balance between communication and providing space for grieving. However, clear expectations and timelines are set so that our clients are not overwhelmed by unexpected tasks.  


    Respect for the Deceased:

    To the extent the family feels comfortable, we want to understand who the decedent was as a person, just as if we were representing them directly. Such appreciation helps us present the family’s real losses to the insurance company, who would rather view it as just another claim number.


    At the pace of the family, we talk about their loved one, look through photos and videos, and get to know them.  At trial or mediation, we often present slideshows and videos, showing the deceased person for who they really were and emphasizing the true loss suffered by the family.  


    Evaluation and Expectations:

    In any case we handle, the hardest part is converting pain and suffering to dollars and cents. But in civil law, monetary compensation is the only relief we have available. In a death case, this process is even more difficult.


    However, at the appropriate time, we work with our clients to form a reasonable expectation of legal compensation. We understand that every case is different and that every person is unique. That’s why we go through a lengthy process of evaluating our clients’ claims based on the circumstances of their case.


    We know that our clients have a lot to deal with after the loss of a loved one. That’s why we do everything we can to make the legal process a little easier.

    Are You Are Dealing With The Incredible Loss Of A Loved One After A Vehicle Accident? 

    If you are dealing with the incredible loss of a loved one after a vehicle accident contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today.

    Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.


  • What Are The Leading Causes Of Traffic Deaths?

    In the US, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death. Think about that! Crashes kill over 120 people every day. (U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) 


    We talk a lot about the many causes of car accidents and how to help avoid them. Lots of things lead to wrecks, such as distracted driving, speeding, impaired driving, not following traffic signals, inexperience, fatigue, reckless behavior, weather conditions, etc. But if we had to narrow it down to the leading 3 causes of traffic accident deaths, what would they be?


    Impaired Driving (Alcohol and Drugs):

    According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths in 2022. Alcohol impairment played a factor in about 30% of traffic fatalities.



    According to the National Safety Council, speeding was a factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities in 2022, killing 12,151 people. Driving too fast, combined with other factors, like unfavorable weather conditions is a deadly combination. Speeding drastically reduces reaction times and increases the severity of collisions.  


    Distracted Driving:

    Distracted driving includes a lot of things: talking or texting on the phone, eating, reaching in the back seat, adjusting the radio, etc. According to the NHTSA, cell phone use alone contributed to 3,308 motor vehicle deaths in 2022! 

    Have You Been Injured In A Car Wreck Involving Impaired Driving, Speeding, Or Distracted Driving? 

    If you have been injured in a car wreck involving an impaired driving, speeding or distracted driving contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • I Went To the Hospital After My Wreck But Seem To Be Okay. Do I Still Have A Claim?

    Contrary to what the TV lawyers want you to believe, not everyone suffers serious injuries in a car accident. Sometimes you may just want to go to the hospital to get checked out and make sure everything is okay.


    But even in those circumstances, you still need to be aware of your rights and responsibilities and how going to the hospital affects your personal injury claim.


    The Bills Are Coming (More Than Just One!):

    If you go to the hospital following a wreck, you will usually receive bills from several different providers. First, the Hospital charges you for an Emergency Room visit (ie. St. Tammany Parish Hospital).


    Second, the actual ER doctor who treated you is sometimes independent from the hospital and you may receive a bill from his or her physician group (ie. St. Tammany ER Physicians).


    You may even receive separate bills from the radiologist and any other specialists who see you in the ER, such as orthopedists. 


    Did you take the ambulance to the ER?  If the answer is “yes,” look out for a bill from the ambulance service (ie. Acadian Ambulance).


    One of the most common mistakes people make when settling their personal injury claim on their own is not accounting for EVERY medical bill they incurred. This is usually because when they receive the hospital bill, they think it covers everything. Then, when the other bills start coming in after they settled, it is too late and the bills are their responsibility.


    Your Health Insurer Wants Their Money Back:

    We encourage our clients to use their health insurance for medical expenses, even if they are the result of a car wreck. Doing this greatly reduces the cost of medical expenses and more importantly, the chance of you ending up owing more in medical expenses than there is available liability insurance coverage.


    However, when you use your health insurance for medical treatment related to a wreck, your health insurer may have a right to reimbursement out of any settlement proceeds. This is your responsibility. You don’t want to settle your personal injury claim without knowing how much you are responsible for repaying to your health insurer. Failing to properly reimburse your health insurance company can lead to personal liability and being dropped from coverage due to noncompliance. When you have Medicare or Medicaid and are in a wreck, making sure to properly comply with their reporting requirements is extremely important.


    Don’t Rush To Settle:

    Even if everything checks out fine for you at the ER, don’t be in a rush to settle your personal injury claim with the insurance company. Remember that your personal injury claim is separate from the claim for your car repairs (your property damage claim).


    Even if you are feeling okay after leaving the Emergency Room, things can change quickly. Due to adrenalin wearing off, it is not uncommon for soreness and aches and pain to gradually come on in the days following a wreck. Even if you were feeling fine immediately after a wreck, you may wake up the next day with tremendous soreness.


    Between making sure to account for all of the medical bills and making sure you don’t have any residual injuries, why we suggest waiting at least several weeks before even considering the settlement of your claims with the insurance company.

    Have You Been Injured In A Car Wreck And Went To The Emergency Room And Have Questions About Medical Bills, Health Insurance Or Other Concerns? 

    If you have been injured in a car wreck and you went to the ER after a wreck and have questions about medical bills, health insurance, or other concerns  contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • How Does Flattmann Law Look Out For Their Clients Beyond The Car Wreck?

    At Flattmann Law, our commitment to our clients extends beyond their car wreck claims. We have been blessed on several occasions to help catch early indications of cancer and bring it to our clients’ attention so they could seek treatment. We also work with caring medical providers who take their commitment to patients way beyond the car wreck. 

    We carefully review medical records for more than just accident-related information:

    After a car wreck, one of the things we do is obtain our client’s medical records, evidencing the treatment they received because of the wreck. We review and summarize those records, capture billing information, and use them to prove our claims with the at-fault insurance company.

    During our medical records review, we pay close attention to our client’s reported injuries and complaints and the doctor’s diagnosis and opinions. We also carefully review our client’s medical history and how that may relate to their injuries. In doing so, we sometimes come across an unrelated issue that we want to bring to our client’s attention ASAP.

    How a shoulder MRI revealed cancer:

    One recent example is a client who had suffered a shoulder injury as a result of a T-bone collision. While reviewing the MRI report, the radiologist noted a large bone lesion and recommended further evaluation.

    No sooner had we read the radiologist’s report discussed above, than the phone rang. It was our client’s chiropractor, who had ordered the shoulder MRI. He had also received a copy of the report and was calling us about the bone lesion. He wanted to make sure we both urged the client to seek follow-up care as soon as possible.

    We immediately called our client to discuss the findings and urged her to seek follow-up care. A week later she was diagnosed with bone cancer and was able to begin treatment.

    During almost 20 years representing car accident victims, we have had many similar opportunities to bring non-wreck related medical issues to our clients’ attention, ranging from indications of cancer to untreated severe hypertension.

    At Flattmann Law, our commitment to our clients isn’t restricted to their car accident case. We treat our clients like family and look out for them the best we can.

    Have You Been Injured In A Car Wreck And Want An Attorney Who Will Truly Care For You?

    If you have been injured in a car accident and want an attorney who will truly care for you contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • What Is One Of The Worst Intersections In Covington? And How To Avoid These Types Accidents?

    In Covington, the intersection of Highway 21 and Pinnacle Parkway/Ochsner Blvd. is one of the most dangerous in all of St. Tammany. Anyone who lives or works in the area knows how busy that intersection can be, especially at rush hour. It is not surprising that multiple accidents occur there each week. So, how can you avoid becoming another statistic?

    Why is the intersection so bad?

    The intersection of Highway 21 and Pinnacle Parkway/Ochsner Blvd. is one of the busiest sections of roadway in St. Tammany. Situated near Interstate 12, thousands of families live in subdivisions within two miles of the intersection. Large shopping centers and stores like Target and Sams (Costco coming soon) line the corridor, with Ochsner Medical Center also down the street.

    The intersection is 186 feet (62 yards) across, from Pinnacle Parkway to Ochsner Blvd. That means it takes several seconds to cross from one side to the other. It also means that someone entering the intersection on a yellow light may still be in it when it turns red. 

    Highway 21 can get severely congested, backing up into the intersection. When the light turns green on Ochsner Blvd., it doesn’t necessarily mean that turning vehicles have anywhere to go. Navigating the intersection can be very frustrating at times.

    There are also lots of distractions at the intersection. Street peddlers who go from one car to another asking for money are common. Also, long waits at the intersection mean that more people are on their phones and not paying attention to traffic.

    How to help avoid an accident at Hwy 21 and Pinnacle Parkway/Ochsner Blvd:

    Here are a few tips to help avoid accidents at the intersection of Hwy 21 and Pinnacle Parkway/Ochsner Blvd.:

    1. Count to 2 before going: As at any intersection, the “count to 2” rule can help avoid crashes. When your light turns green, count to 2 while you survey the intersection for any vehicles running their light or still in the way.
    2. Make sure there is room for you: Take a peak at the direction you are headed and make sure there is enough room for you to get through the intersection.  If there’s not, stay put.
    3. Focus and avoid distractions:  Remember that your primary job is paying attention to other traffic and getting yourself and your passengers to your destination safely. Avoid checking your emails and texts.

    Have You Been Injured In A Car Accident At An Intersection And Need Help?

    At Flattmann Law, we want to help people avoid accidents, but are there for you if you are in one. If you have been injured in a car accident contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • How Can Parents Help Advocate Before and After Their Teenager is Involved in an Accident?

    Young Drivers are Often Unfairly Blamed for the Wreck, Regardless of the Circumstances:

    When a teenage driver is involved in an accident, the presumption is typically that they were responsible for causing the wreck. It’s one of those unfair stereotypes and it is even more prevalent for male drivers. At Flattmann Law, we have seen examples of this scenario over and over again.  So, how can parents help advocate for their teen drivers, both at the accident scene and during the insurance claims process?

    Tips for Being Proactive (Getting a Dashcam and Preparing Your Teen Driver):

    Advocating for your teen driver begins way before an accident happens. One tip is to equip the car your teen will be driving with a dashcam. Video footage proving that the other party was at fault can save a teen from being falsely blamed for an accident, especially when the details of the wreck are not straightforward (ie. a green light/red light scenario).

    Another tip for parents is to talk to prepare their teen regarding what to do if an accident happens. After a wreck, teens are often shaken up, even more so than older drivers.  Make sure your teen knows what to do after a wreck:

    • Make sure they are okay and check on others involved, if it is safe to do so.
    • Call 911 first, then call you.
    • If it is safe, take photos and videos of the scene and the other vehicle.
    • Stay calm while talking to the police.
    • Obtain the other driver’s insurance and contact information.

    Tips for Handling the Insurance Claims Process:

    Teens are usually listed as an authorized driver on their parents’ auto insurance policy, and it is the parent who should initiate and pursue the insurance claim, not the teen. If you choose to use this as a learning experience for your teen and let them shadow you through the process, great! But the parent (not the teen) should really handle the process.

    First, make sure to report the claim to your insurance company, even if the other driver was at fault.  Chances are that the other driver will be filing a claim with your insurance, so letting the insurance company know your teen’s version of the story before that happens is important.

    Second, remember you (and your teen) are NOT required to give a recorded statement to the other person’s insurance company. This is even more important for teens, who may be easily confused with trying to put words to the wreck they experienced. While you do want to cooperate with your own insurance company, parents should still be cautious and monitor what their teen says in recounting the facts of the wreck.

    Finally, make sure your teen does not post anything having to do with the wreck on social media. Even statements, photos, or videos that seem harmless can be misconstrued. Believe us! The insurance company and other parties involved in the wreck may be monitoring your teen’s social media accounts waiting for them to slip up.

    Reassure Your Teen After a Wreck:

    It is not uncommon for anyone involved in a wreck to be reluctant to get back behind the wheel, and for teens, this is even more prevalent. They just started driving and whack…the accident happened! As parents, we have to reassure our teen drivers of their abilities and make sure they learn from the accident. After a wreck, parents should drive with their teens until they feel comfortable again to drive by themselves.

    Has Your Teen Been Injured In A Wreck And You Have Questions About Handling Your Teen Drivers' Wreck?

    If you have questions about handling your teen driver’s wreck contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • How Does Flattmann Law Maintain Their Values During An Insurance Claim?

    St. Tammany Parish is a wonderful place to live and raise a family because of the people who live here. For nearly 20 years, Flattmann Law has been representing hardworking, honest people on the Northshore. Over and over, our clients come in after a wreck saying, “I just want what’s right.” That’s how we handle personal injury cases. We don’t make things up, we play by the book, and we work our tails off in order to make things right for our clients.

    We don’t make things up, but we don’t sell ourselves short either:

    What may be the straightforward facts of an accident to you or me may be more complicated to the insurance company. When we report an accident, we don’t embellish the facts. Instead, we provide the insurance company with facts based on witness accounts, the accident report, photos and videos of the scene, dashcam footage, and other evidence.

    All too often accident victims get long-winded during their conversations with insurance adjusters and start guessing at the facts of the accident; how fast they were going, how many seconds between the time they saw the other vehicle and the crash, how long the light was green, etc. Well-intentioned folks can get in trouble fast by guessing facts, even when they think they are doing the right thing.

    The reporting and valuing of injuries is not embellished:

    We don’t hand out neck braces at the door. Instead, we carefully convey our clients’ injuries to the insurance company. But we are careful not to jump to conclusions regarding their prognosis, especially since some injuries take more time to develop. In conversations with insurance adjusters, we rely on doctor reports and recommendations and keep a careful watch on our clients’ treatment, every step of the way.

    During the course of an insurance claim, we make sure the at-fault insurance company is kept up to date on our client’s treatment status, so that they are properly valuing the claim. When it comes time to settle, we don’t blow smoke. Instead, our numbers are based on a quantum study, taking into account a database of other cases and our nearly 2 decades of experience.

    We make sure medical bills are accounted for and accurate:

    At Flattmann Law, we have a system of tracking each of our client’s medical bills, from the urgent care or ER to each and every physical therapy session they attend. We use information from their medical providers and health insurer to know exactly where every penny is applied. Once it is time to resolve their case, there is no guess work involved in calculating medical damages. If we are estimating future medical care, we often use an expert life care planner.

    Have You Been Injured In A Wreck And Want To Know More?

    At Flattmann Law, we share your values in doing things the right way. If you were injured in a wreck and want to know more contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • Do I Still Have An Accident Insurance Claim If The At-Fault Driver Didn’t Get A Ticket?

    At Flattmann Law, we are not surprised when a client tells us that the other driver did not receive a ticket for causing an accident, even when they were obviously at fault. I’d estimate that around 50% of the time, tickets are not issued following car wrecks. So, how does that impact your car wreck claim?

    Your Claim is NOT Based on Whether the Other Driver was Ticketed:

    The other driver does not have to receive a ticket or citation for you to be able to file and pursue an auto insurance claim with their insurance company. While the insurance adjuster may ask if anyone received a ticket, that fact will not, in and of itself, determine whether the insurance company accepts responsibility. Instead, to decide on liability, the adjuster will also consider how the accident happened according to the police report, dash cam footage, witness statements, and other available evidence.

    In short, the insurance company can still choose to accept responsibility/liability for a car wreck, even if their driver did not receive a ticket for the wreck. 

    Have You Been Injured In A Wreck Caused By Another Driver?

    If you were injured in a wreck caused by another driver contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.

  • Why Shouldn't You Change Lanes While Going Through An Intersection?

    At Flattmann Law, we have handled numerous car wreck claims arising from intersection crashes. We’ve seen it all, ranging from T-bone collisions to rear-end accidents, to pedestrians being hit in crosswalks. Here is one big tip that can help decrease your chances of getting in an accident.

    Why more crashes occur at intersections:

    More traffic activity involving vehicles exiting and entering a roadway combined with traffic moving in multiple directions equals the higher potential for accidents. Add to this mix the inattentiveness and distraction of drivers these days and you have a recipe for disaster.

    Remember that driver you had to honk at yesterday because they were on their phone instead of paying attention to the light when it turned green?  Imagine that same driver waiting at the intersection you are about to cross. Does that change the way you look at it? Would you do anything different at the intersection to help avoid an accident?

    How to avoid intersection crashes:

    Here are a few tips you can keep in mind to help avoid intersection accidents:

    1. Don’t change lanes in the intersection: Everyone is in a hurry and the guy waiting at the light you are approaching is no different. He is eagerly waiting for his next opportunity to turn onto your roadway. If you are in the left lane, he may think that the right lane is clear and make a right on red. If you change lanes right before the intersection or in the intersection, you risk hitting him. (Also, you can be ticketed for changing lanes in an intersection because the lane is not marked for passing and doing so can be deemed “unsafe.”)   
    2. Pay attention to waiting vehicles that may enter the roadway: As you approach an intersection, make a quick note of any vehicles waiting to cross or enter your roadway. Does anyone seem to be inching up? Is anyone on their phone instead of paying attention? Paying attention to other motorists in an intersection can help you anticipate their movement and avoid accidents.
    3. Don’t try to outrun the traffic light: Running red lights is one of the leading causes of intersection crashes. You may be in a hurry, but avoiding the red light is not worth chancing a dangerous accident. Remember, yellow lights are only a few seconds long and indicate that you should be coming to a stop (not speeding up)!

    Have You Been Injured In An Intersection Crash And Want To Discuss Your Case?

    If you were hurt in an intersection crash and want to discuss your case with an experienced and local car wreck attorney, contact us online or call our Covington office directly at 985.590.6182 to schedule your free consultation today. Flattmann Law serves clients on the Northshore, including Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs, Bogalusa, Franklinton, Folsom, Madisonville, Goodbee, Hammond, Lacombe, Pearl River, and Slidell.